Celebrate 35 years of NIRVANA!
For decades, our lives have been touched by the music. We’ve cried, screamed, laughed to the punk riffs and unique vocals. NIRVANA shaped us during our formative years and it shows. For that, we honor the mark they’ve made.
Now we sing dark, warped covers of our favorite songs.
From Book Slayer Press and Roxie Voorhees, co-editor of MINE and READER BEWARE, comes a collection of NIRVANA-inspired horror.
Forming the ultimate playlist, the stories within showcase NIRVANA’s discography with a fear inducing twist.
Covers by Eric J. Guignard, Nicky Martin, David D. West, Akis Linardos, Nikki Kossaris, Meg Elison, Dori Lumpkin, C. J. Subko, Robert Bagnall, Sandra Henriques, Kurt Newton, Zack Zagranis, A. W. Mason, Mia Dalia, Toshiya Kamei, Violet Mourningstarr, Emma Cole, B. J. Ferreira, Aleco Julius, Pamela Morris, Matt E. Black, Ian Klink, Wendy Dalrymple, David Washburn, Matthew Wallace, Quinn Crook, Tyler Clark, A. J. Cossey, Dr. Jennifer Grimes, and Matthew Chabin
Coming June 15, 2024.
The Pleasure in Pain: A Queer Horrotica Anthology
Stories by: Aleksandra Ugelstad Elnæs, Amanda Blake, Anton Cancre, Arthur DeHart, Avra Margariti, Caitlin Marceau, Charibdys, Clar Hart, Darren Black, Dori Lumpkin, Grace R. Reynolds, j ambrose, JB Corso, Jessica Swanson, K. M. Carmien, M. Lopes de Silva, Marisca Pichette, Minh-Anh Vo Dinh, Rae Knowles, Rain Corbyn, Sapphire Lazuli, Shelley Lavigne, Sofia Ajram, Violet Mourningstarr, and Zach Rosenberg
Coming 2.14.24!
Dragon's Roost Press
Reader Beware
Coming February 8, 2024
Fear Street Appreciation Anthology co-edited with Briana Morgan
You've heard the stories about Fear Street—the unexplained mysteries, missing people, the things that lurk in the dark—but wouldn't you rather experience them for yourself?
You aren't scared, are you?
Introduction by: Lindy Ryan
Stories by: Wendy Dalrymple. Zachary Rosenberg, Grace Athanasiou, Dana Vickerson, Amber Hathaway, Jason Maddux, Wondra Vanian, Laura Campbell, Chelsea Pumpkins, Nikki R. Leigh, Laura Kaschak, Melanie Moyer, and Chris Williams
DarkLit Press
MINE: An Anthology of Body Autonomy Horror
December 2, 2022
Charity Anthology co-edited with Nico Bell
Benefits NARAL Pro-Choice America
Welcome to a post-Roe world. In this anthology Nico Bell and Roxie Voorhees shine a spotlight on a dark topic--the true horror of not having control of your own body.
*Gender Inclusive*
Stories by: Kelly Brocklehurst, Anne Gresham, H. V. Patterson, Marsheila Rockwell, Julie Sevens, J. M. Sedlock, Grace R. Reynolds, Sarah Jane Huntington, Zack Zagranis, Angela Sylvaine, Bri Crozier, A. J. Van Belle, Violet Mouringstarr, Stephanie Rabig, Cynthia Gomez, and Ravven White
Creature Publishing